Icons are grouped as follows:

  · Class

    · Order

      · Family (if needed)

        - Species

      - Species

  If a specific species isn't named, then the icon is either a

  generic composit or I didn't know the name.

  Icons that are under "Other" are the only member of their Order

  represented and are in the associated Class drawer, Order name

  is given in parenthesis.

  * = Extinct

ICONS: (115)

  · Arachnids

    · Acarina

      - Freshwater Mite

      - Mite

      - Tick

    · Araneae (spiders)

      · Salticidae (Jumping Spiders)

        - Ant Mimic (Myrmarachne plataleoides)

        - Ant Mimic Male (animated)

        - Daring Jumping Spider

        - Jumping Spider (generic)

        - Metaphid (forward)

      · Theraphosidae

        - Tarantulas (4 pattern variations)

      - Black Widow (pectoral)

      - Brown Recluse

      - Calico (Golden-Silk Orb Weaver)

      - Green Lynx

      - House Spider (American)

      - House Spider 2 (smaller and browner)

      - Liphistiid (Malaysian)

      - Micrathena (Arrow-shapped)

      - Spider (generic)

    · Scorpionida

      - Scorpions (generic, plain and animated)

    · Other

      - Chernetid (Pseudoscorpion, animated)

      - Daddy Long-legs (Opiliones)

      - Tailless Whipscorpion (Amblypygi)

      - Windscorpion (Solpugida)

  · Chilopoda

    - Centipede

  · Crustaceans

    - Canadaspis *

    - Crab

    - Fiddler Crab

    - Flea Scud (Beach Flea)

    - Isopod (generic)

    - Lobster

    - Pillbug (Rolly-Polly)

  · Insects

    · Coleoptera

      - Beetle Grub

      - Bombardier Beetle

      - Cardinal Beetle

      - Caterpillar Hunter

      - Cloverleaf Weevil (Lesser)

      - Goldsmith Beetle (Gold Bug)

      - Japanese Beetle

      - Lady Bug (Nine-spotted)

      - Pyralis Firefly (animated, with lighted and plain)

      - Rough Fungus Beetle

      - Scarab

      - Stag Beetle

      - Tiger Beetle

    · Diptera

      - Assassin Fly

      - House Fly

      - March Fly

      - Mosquito

      - Robber Fly

      - Tsetse Fly

    · Hemiptera

      - Bee Assassin

      - Harlequin Cabbage Bug

      - Stink Bug

      - Toad Bug

      - Water Bug (Giant)

    · Homoptera

      - Aphid (Rosy Red)

      - Cicada

      - Leafhopper (Scarlet-and-green)

      - Mealybug (Long-tailed, Pseudococcus adonidum)

      - Thorn-mimic Treehopper

      - White Fly (Greenhouse)

    · Hymenoptera

      · Formicidae (ants)

        - Red Ant

        - Black Ant

        - Leafcutter

        - Honey Ant Replete

      - Bumble Bee

      - Cow Killer (velvet-ant, a type of wasp)

      - Digger Wasp

      - Honey Bee

      - Paper Wasp

      - Yellow Jacket

    · Isoptera

      - Subterranean Termite (reproductive)

      - Termite

    · Lepidoptera

      - Butterfly (generic 6 colors)

      - Caterpillar (Monarch)

      - Chrysalis (Monarch)

      - Gypsy Moth

      - Monarch Butterfly

      - White-Lined Sphinx Moth

    · Mantodea

      - Praying Mantis

      - Mantid (portrait, 2 colors)

    · Odonata

      - Damselfly

      - Green Darner (Dragonfly)

      - Red Bluet (Damselfly)

      - Violet Tail (Damselfly)

    · Orthoptera

      - Alutacea Bird Grasshopper

      - American Bird Grasshopper (side view)

      - Gladiator Katydid (side view)

      - Green Valley Grasshopper (side view)

      - House Cricket

      - Mole Cricket

    · Siphonaptera

      - Cat Flea

      - Flea (side view)

    · Others

      - Cockroach (Blattodea)

      - Earwig (Dermaptera)

      - Ice Insect (Grylloblattodea)

      - Stonefly naiad (Plecoptera)

      - Twist Wing Parasite (Strepsiptera, male)

  · Merostomata

    - Eurypterid (Sea Scorpion) *

    - Horseshoe Crab

  · Trilobita

    - Ceraurus *

    - Dicranurus *

  · Bonus!

    - Sea Horse: (yes, I know it isn't an arthropod... that's why

      it's in the bonus drawer. I included it because I liked how

      it turned out, but I have no plans to do a Chordatacons set.)

    - Volkswagen Beetle (red)